Press Releases

Keep up to date with the latest news and insights from Xodus.
Xodus report finds 100 North Sea storage sites needed to meet 2050 CCUS demand
Xodus to support Australian Government in major decommissioning project
Xodus joins STEM Returners programme to address energy transition skills gap
Xodus offshore bird portal reaping benefits for industry
Scotland must place hydrogen at the core of energy transition strategy
Xodus @ All Energy

Meet the Xperts

Get insights from our Xperts.
Meet the Xperts - Neil Barton
Meet the Xperts - Louise Davies
How do you get yourself ahead of the game?
Standardising estimating, monitoring and measuring emissions for individual projects
Collaboration to deliver direct action


Keep up to date on our technical expertise
North Sea Decarbonisation Conference
Key benefits of the Offshore Bird Portal
Dynamic Assessment of Sulphate Reduction Plant (SRP)
Vibration and Integrity Engineering Division Deliver Flow-Induced Vibration Study for New Build FPSO
Decommissioning - it's all in the planning