Our client was awarded an Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) scope of work for a Sulphate Reduction Plant (SRP). The SRP module consists of 5 deck levels with major rotating machinery installed on deck 1 and nano filtration systems on deck 4 with a total module weight of 4600mt.
The scope of work was to perform a dynamic analysis of the SRP module to identify the dynamic response of the structure due to the large rotating machinery (water injection pumps), and if the vibration levels exceed the project guidelines investigate the finite element model for possible modifications to reduce the response to meet the project acceptance criteria.
Design verification of the SRP to determine if the project guidelines have been met for vibration.
- Finite Element Analysis
- Modal Analysis
- Forced response
- Vibration Analysis
Minor modifications to the structural design to meet design criteria
Value Added by Xodus
- Identification of structural beams required to be stiffened during construction phase in the yard, saving on construction costs when in situ.
- FEA model and results verified with site measurements after construction.
- Project acceptance criteria for vibration achieved.