Emissions Header
As world leaders in the field of energy and emissions assessment and management we are continuously developing XAMIN Emissions to drive efficiency in the areas of emissions forecasting, reduction planning and compliance reporting.

The innovative ERAP (Emissions Reduction Action Planner) module of XAMIN Emissions is a secure web-based solution, to digitally store, evaluate and manage Emissions Reduction Opportunities (EROs) and action plans for an asset or portfolio of assets.

Designed to align with the reporting requirements of the Stewardship Expectation 11 in the UK, the Safeguard Mechanism in Australia and applicable to emissions reduction planning globally, it is a multi-user system that is fully auditable and easily updateable. This allows for regular updates to be made to align with regulatory and stakeholder requirements and drives engagement in emissions reduction across an organisation.

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Regularly updated to meet the latest compliance requirements and to address operator feedback. Standardised inputs alongside automated calculations, visualisation outputs and export reporting, all reduce the time burden for compliance


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Accurate scenario

Scenario analysis through grouping opportunities into comparable abatement scenarios, provides accurate emissions reduction forecasting by modelling how opportunities interact with each other, forming an actionable plan

& Tracking

This single source of EROs enables consistent ranking to aid selection using customisable ranking scales and tracking of EROs to show progress for ongoing evaluation and implementation