Integrity Header
XAMIN Integrity Management is an industry led digital platform which provides the ability to demonstrate the risk profile of assets at all times whilst mitigating that risk with an auditable, efficient Plan, Do, Check, Act process

Built in collaboration with the industry, the platform supports engineering teams to manage their assets consistently and aligned with best-practice approaches, utilising modules that include digital Risk Based Inspections (RBI) plans, scheduling, integrity data visualisations, anomaly management and action tracking. Digital reporting pulls together a single understanding of integrity and risk for each asset for review by management and the regulator. Configurable and buildable dashboards ensure that every member of the team can access the data that is important to them at the click of a button. 

Integrity Management
not integrity scoring

Removes the burden of high-volume data management, allowing engineers to focus on understanding the integrity concern and designing the right fit solution, ultimately reducing the risk carried by the asset

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Single source
of truth

A central hub for all asset integrity data which integrates new data seamlessly with key information from specialist software and company CMMS to provide a holistic view of asset risk


cost savings

Modernisation of existing frameworks and digitalisation leads to measurable cost savings, with reductions in workhour costs, inspection time offshore and increasing production uptime