World leaders in emissions management

Our global team of skilled domain experts use digital solutions to identify energy and emissions reduction opportunities, deliver decarbonisation projects and drive the transition to net zero at asset, portfolio and boardroom level. We can deliver authoritative, in-depth advice and analysis, combining smart thinking and practical experience with the ability to describe and balance risk and financial pressures to help them make ‘fact-based and feasible’ corporate environmental and social governance (ESG) commitments related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Our team combines expansive technical and commercial capabilities with long-term experience and in-depth understanding of both on and offshore operations and their associated energy and emissions complexities. 

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Uncertainties and cost of compliance to the safeguard mechanism.

As the usage of National Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reporting (NGER) transitions from being solely a reporting function to having impact via the safeguard mechanism with the corresponding carbon credit liability, the basis of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions forecast needs to be scrutinised.  

Find out more in Xodus' report here.


We have the experience to understand your process in detail, the skills to accurately identify and quantify emissions and the combined operations and project experience to be able to quickly identify meaningful emissions reduction opportunities.

Our in-depth understanding of emissions quantification, baselining, forecasting, opportunity ranking, testing and analysis means that we can assist our clients with their emissions reduction ambitions and develop credible action plans to achieve net zero.  

We are the UK’s leading service provider of offshore exhaust stack testing in compliance with PPC requirements, having carried out over 80% of applicable UKCS tests, and we have conducted Energy Savings Opportunities Scheme (ESOS) assessments for a large proportion of operators in the UKCS. Our unique Energy Assessment protocol was developed more than 15 years ago by our team of specialists, allowing us to identify emissions reduction opportunities of at least 20% during these in-depth site studies.  


We have developed a comprehensive digital capability which allows us to leverage available data and fill the gaps to deliver transformative insights and real-time solutions, providing increased visibility and driving accountability.

Our integrated, multi-discipline teams can deliver these innovative solutions to modernise and optimise your emissions management capabilities. 

Our Emissions Optimiser, which enables real-time optimisation of your assets, can track live operational emissions intensity and provides instantaneous recommendations on how to reduce emissions, without impacting production. By focusing on how to optimise your existing process, the Emissions Optimiser can help you reduce your carbon intensity, reduce OPEX and the need for CAPEX investment, enhancing your reputation with regulators, investors and stakeholders. 

Our Emissions Insight solution also leverages our engineering and digital skillset. The tool allows operators to monitor live asset specific emissions and provide auditable and verifiable reports of their facility emissions regulated under the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). 

Site Services

Our unique Energy Assessment protocol has been implemented on almost 250 sites globally.

We can produce an extensive survey report that includes a recommended action plan for improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions. The report ranks opportunities based on a series of factors such as economics, feasibility and barriers to implementation. Opportunities can range from ‘quick win’ measures, which look to improve the equipment already in place, optimise control and reduce downtime to larger CAPEX projects, making use of the best equipment and techniques available on the market today. Typically, we can achieve 20% energy reductions through low-cost, easily implemented opportunities with further savings being achievable through higher CAPEX projects. 

Stack emissions monitoring is required for several purposes, including compliance with pollution prevention and control (PPC) permit conditions and the Large Combustion Plants (LCP), and we have an unbeaten record in performing such services. We have conducted more offshore tests in the UKCS than any other test lab in the UK and every single test has met the satisfaction of the regulator. We are practised in the logistical difficulties associated with mobilising equipment offshore, and the shipment and handling of dangerous goods This combination of both experience and skills ensures that the process will always run smoothly for our clients.  



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